Sunday, February 20, 2011

Swimming Carnival

What a great day was had by all at our Swimming Carnival held on Friday last week! The weather was beautiful - quite hot, but with a cooling breeze and everyone slip, slop, slapped... The competition was fierce and the cheering, led by our Year 7 leaders, was great! The Year 7 students proved themselves to be an enthusiastic, motivated and motivating group, leading each house colour with energy and enjoyment. The final result had the Gold House pipped at the post for first place by the Red House, with the Blue and Green Houses not too far behind. Thanks again to Mr Marrinan and Mrs Todd who organised and ran another efficient and enjoyable carnival. Thanks also to all our helpers - parents, students and staff alike. Without everyone's input, the day would never run as smoothly. Once again, students will be selected as recipients of the Kathy Otto Shield, so named for our much -loved past parent and staff member who was integral for many years in the running of our school swimming carnival. Kathy valued the qualities of team participation, enthusiasm, love of swimming and leadership and these are the qualities by which our shield recipients are chosen. Good luck to all.

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